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Shock Service Request Form

***Please ship via UPS***

Shipping Address:

ML Performance Midwest

8844 Rambling Ridge Dr.

West Chester, OH 45069

Please fill out this form as best you can so we can provide you with the most relevant service.

***Please note this date is not guaranteed. We will do our best to meet the date and contact you if it cannot be met.

Suspension Information:
Shock Brand(s) being sent for service:
Type of service requested

DISCLAIMER: ML Performance Midwest, LLC and/or Burgess Motorsports Consulting, LLC does not make or provide any express warranties or any implied warranties to Customer or any other party with respect to the products, services, or otherwise regarding this Agreement and the quotation/invoice incorporated herein whether oral or written, express, implied, or statutory (without limited the foregoing, any implied warranty of merchantability, implied warranty against infringement, or fitness for a particular purpose. Accordingly, Customer agrees to release, indemnify, hold harmless, and defend ML Performance Midwest, LLC and/or Burgess Motorsports Consulting, LLC from and against any and all claims, loses or liabilities (Including death) arising out of or relating in any way to the Customer's use of the services, equipment, parts, or products (whether new or used), which are the subject of this Agreement and the quotation/invoice incorporated herein. Any disputes concerning this Agreement shall be brought exclusively in the courts of Hamilton County, Ohio. In the event ML Performance Midwest, LLC and/or Burgess Motorsports Consulting, LLC is required to initiate legal action against Customer and is successful in enforcing its rights under this Agreement, it shall be entitled to payment of all costs, including attorney's fees, incurred therein and interest at a rate of 1.5% interest per month

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